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El portal de los profesionales de seguridad y emergencias

Nº 1 del mundo en español en seguridad global

Soluciones de seguridad global

Attacks against industrial networks will become a bigger problem. We need to fix security now

Danny Palmer

Industrial infrastructure, including electricity grids, oil and gas facilities, manufacturing plants and more, has become a tempting targets for cyber attackers, whether they’re criminal gangs attempting to make money from ransomware attacks, or nation-state-backed hacking operations out for espionage and disruption. 

Recent incidents – such as the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, and a cyber attacker attempting to modify chemical levels in the drinking water supply at a water-treatment plant in Florida – have demonstrated how industrial infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers – and that attacks against these systems can have a broader impact on the general public. 

Many industrial networks have operated on the same technology for decades and the need to secure them against attacks is well known. 

«I think that we’re getting to the point now where we had an opportunity to get ahead of this problem, and now this problem caught up with us,» Sergio Caltagirone, VP of Threat Intelligence at Dragos, told ZDNet Security Update

«There’s very few opportunities in cybersecurity where you get the benefit of foresight and this is one of those where we still can see a little bit ahead – we’re not as far ahead as we should be – but we can see that this is going to be a bigger problem, we all know that.»

Action needs to come from the top down: «You have to start at the top level. Boards of directors and government’s policy groups need to start putting pressure on the operators – whether they’re state operators or quasi-state operations or completely private operations – they need to put pressure on organizations to do something,» said Caltagirone.  

That’s already started in the United States, as President Biden has ordered CISA and NIST to develop cybersecurity performance goals for critical infrastructure.  

In the meantime, it’s vital that organisations running industrial systems understand their networks, the potential security vulnerabilities they might contain, and who has authorisation to access what. That’s key in order to prevent attacks from gaining access to the network in the first place, or detecting unauthorised access as quickly as possible. 

«As a hacker you’re going to spend months studying the operations of those facilities. And that as a defender is such a critical time where you could have found them and done something, to have prevented them from knowing enough to do what they wanted to do,» said Caltagirone. 

«We do have a chance to stop it – but you just you have to take the opportunity to do so,» he added.
Fecha de publicaciónagosto 12, 2021

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Los JJ.OO. de “París 2024”, una vez ya clausurados, aunque cuando se escribe este artículo aún están celebrando los Juegos Paralímpicos, permiten una primera valoración, de lo que se puede calificar como un éxito deportivo, organizativo y de seguridad, aunque profundizando en la celebración, podamos encontrar cuestiones mejorables.


Todo planteamiento de seguridad requiere de dos cuestiones previas que son las siguientes: “Que proteger” y “de que proteger”, y una vez conocidas ambas, proceder a establecer la seguridad en función de ellas.


Todo evento como es el caso de los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de “París 2024” tiene como primer componente de planificación el establecimiento de unos objetivos, es decir lo que se pretende con su organización y celebración, y si ello es posible.


Los Juegos Olímpicos “París 2024, constituyen un acontecimiento que traspasa el ámbito deportivo, para entrar en el de los ámbitos mediático, económico, social, cultural y político a nivel mundial.