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Finland Using Dogs In Helsinki Airport To Sniff Out Covid-19

Jemima McEvoy

Dogs arrived at Finland’s Helsinki Airport on Tuesday for their first day of work checking travelers for Covid-19 as part of a new pilot program which—if it’s as successful as preliminary research suggests—could present a widely employable method of coronavirus detection. 

Multiple studies have indicated that trained dogs are able to successfully discriminate between infected and non-infected human saliva or urine samples, with German researchers finding dogs could determine Covid-19 with 94% accuracy within a week of training. 

The Helsinki Airport is now putting these findings to the test through a trial run with 16 canines who will deliver results within 10 seconds, Anna Hielm-Björkman, a researcher at the University of Helsinki who is gathering data on the trial, told The Washington Post.

Travelers who agree to the screening will swab their own necks to produce a sweat sample which will be passed to dogs through an opening in a wall in a process that should take less than one minute. 

Those checked by the dogs will then be encouraged to take a standard test to verify the accuracy of the determination.

The dogs were trained by Wise Nose, a Finnish agency that specializes in smell detection, and per a report from The Independent, at least one dog was able to learn to identify the smell in just seven minutes. 

Hielm-Björkman pointed out that, according to preliminary tests, the dogs may be more effective at detecting Covid-19 than polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and antibody tests, and are able to detect when a person will become PCR positive a week before the test can.


Helsinki Airport director Ulla Lettijeff called the pilot program “unique” and a “world first.” “No other airport has attempted to use canine scent detection on such a large scale against Covid-19,” Lettijeff told The Independent. “This might be an additional step forward on the way to beating Covid-19.” 


Finland is not the only country testing the capabilities of dogs for Covid-19 detection. The United States, Germany and the United Arab Emirates are also conducting their own research. The initial findings from a program similar to Finland’s in Dubai earlier this summer, though on a smaller scale, found dogs were able to identify the sweat samples of air travelers with 91% accuracy. Larger-scale trials, like the one in Finland, will help determine whether this method could have wide-usage going forward. 


Dogs have previously been used to detect other types of diseases, including cancers, malaria, and bacterial and viral infections.


“Dogs Learn To Sniff Out Covid-19 Samples, Offering Hope For Possible Detection Use” (Forbes) 

“The Finnish COVID dogs’ nose knows!” (University of Helsinki)

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