Modern lobbies prioritize traffic flow, address operational problems, enhance security, and provide a more contemporary appearance.
The main entrance to a commercial office building plays an important part in establishing the building’s identity. The entrance may be designed to be warm and inviting, to reinforce security controls, to deter crime, or to make an impression on visitors. And while many activities may take place in the lobby, the security desk is typically the nerve center—where staff answer key questions for visitors while keeping tenants safe.

Lobby Design
While the focus of lobby design often centers on the aesthetic appeal and the functional traffic flow through the space, for security it is important to support visitor management and access control functions. This means the lobby layout should support good natural lines of sight for both security staff and visitors. Work with stakeholders to determine the appropriate blend of visual appeal, functional requirements, and sense of security for the given facility.

Security Desk Design
The desk itself serves as a central point of access monitoring and control for the lobby space. Depending on the specific functions to be managed from this location, the desk may be referred to as a “reception desk” if the emphasis is on welcoming visitors and providing personal assistance or a “security desk” when the emphasis is on building security. Construction will differ depending on the intended purpose of the desk and its equipment.